Course Information Package (Ders Bilgi Paketi)

One of the most important elements of quality assurance in higher education is transparency. In addition to ensuring transparency in higher education, the Erciyes University Course Information Package (CIP) will also provide significant contributions to the planning of education, gaining program qualifications to students, the provision of recognition, accountability and easing mobility. As a result of these, through increasing the quality of higher education, CIP's mission is to contribute to the training of graduates who are academically competent and capable of doing what they need to do in their fields. Realizing this mission will only be possible by preparing the CIP in the most accurate way possible and reflecting it all on education activities. In line with this goal, while preparing the program qualifications, alumni questionnaires and external stakeholder questionnaires were used in addition to national higher education qualifications. Similarly, while preparing course learning outcomes and ECTS calculations, student questionnaires were used alongside the course content.